Reel. Motion Graphics

music: The Presets. “Tools Down”

time / client / title / role:
0:02 NYHCampaign / How We Won / director, storyboard artist, animator
0:17 NYHCampaign / Statewide Day of Action / designer, animator
0:23 AdCouncil Public Service Awards / Education Opener / storyboard artist, designer, animator
0:29 PNHP / The Cure for PIISD: The New York Health Act / storyboard artist, designer, animator
0:38 The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice. Housing / Stable Environments / animator
0:46 Accenture / Value Proposition / storyboard artist, designer, animator
0:53 Rauxa / Rauxa / storyboard artist, designer, animator
0:59 JWT Intelligence / Fear of Missing Out / storyboard artist, designer, animator
1:03 Amex / Twitter gifs / animator
1:07 JWT Intelligence / Anxiety Index / storyboard artist, designer, animator
1:11 TED-Ed / Heart Attacks / storyboard artist, designer, animator
1:18 Bloomberg Insights / Family Farrari / animator
1:20 NYHCampaign / How We Won / director, storyboard artist, animator